The proof

Fraud: n. the intentional use of deceit, a trick or some dishonest means to deprive another of his/her/its money, property or a legal right.2

Constructive fraud: n.when the circumstances show that someone's actions give him/her an unfair advantage over another by unfair means ... the court may decide from the methods used and the result that it should treat the situation as if there was actual fraud even if all the technical elements of fraud have not been proven.3

Republican Dirty Campaign Tricks

Swift Boat Veterans contradictions and connections
Swift Boat Veterans has a web of connections to the Bush family, to high-profile Texas political figures, and to president Bush's chief political aid Karl Rove.

Unfriendly Fire
A Vietnam Vet Saw His Honor Under Attack, and Took the Fight to the Kerry Camp
Admiral Roy Hoffman felt his honor challenged after finding himself as the bad guy in a presidential hopeful's biography.

Anti-Kerry Vets Led by Longtime GOP Operative, Bankrolled by Bush Cronies
Swift Boat Veterans For Truth, the so-called “independent” group of Navy Vietnam vets who have launched attacks against John F. Kerry, is led by a longtime Republican operative and financed by GOP contributors with strong tries to President George W. Bush. The Republican roots of the group stretch back to former Republican President Richard M. Nixon.

Buried truths, brutal secrets
Toledo Blade Special Investigation into Viet Nam War atrocities. Tiger Force an elite fighting unit left a trail of atrocities in that country that have been concealed from the public for decades.

Bush campaign's contempt for 'people of faith'
The RNC does a mass-mailing to churchgoing voters in Arkansas and West Virginia warning that if churchgoers did not vote Republican in November, the godless "liberals" (read: Democrats) would ban the Bible from American life.

Republican Voter Suppression Tactics and Techniques

Florida scraps flawed felon voting list
The purge of felons from voter rolls has been a thorny issue since the 2000 presidential election. A private company hired to identify ineligible voters before the election produced a list with scores of errors, and elections supervisors used it to remove voters without verifying its accuracy.

GOP operative under fire over voter-registration tactics
Nathan Sproul and his political consulting firm, Sproul & Associates received nearly $526,000 from the Republican National Committee for voter registration efforts and nearly $490,000 for political consulting operating in Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Florida and Nevada is accused of deception and dirty tricks, including destroyed or discarded democratic registration forms.

The GOP's Shameful Vote Strategy
Time was when Republicans were at least embarrassed by their efforts to keep African Americans from the polls. Today's Republicans have elevated vote suppression from a dirty secret to a public norm.

Now They're Registered, Now They're Not
Election Officials Express Dismay at Extent of Misinformation, Variety of Tricks Targeting Voters
Students find their party changed, while residents of several cities report bogus phone calls telling voters their polling location has been changed.

BBC TV Reveals New Florida Vote Scandal Republican "Caging List"
GOP denies "caging list" is a plan to disrupt voting in the state's African-American voting districts.

Jim Crow returns to the voting booth
Does America have apartheid vote counting system?
The challenge to the vote count is over, but the matter of how the United States counts votes, or fails to count them, remains. The ballots left uncounted, and that will never be counted, are so-called spoiled or rejected ballots -- votes cast by citizens, but never tallied are overwhelmingly from African American precincts. This is the dark little secret of U.S. democracy.

Democrats call on Blackwell to resign
By limiting where people can cast a ballot on Election Day and confusing county boards of election about the thickness of voter registration forms, Blackwell is creating barriers to eligible voters. Senate Democrats called for the resignation of Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, accusing him of trying to suppress the vote in Ohio.

The New Poll Tax
Republican-sponsored ballot-security measures are being used to keep minorities from voting
One of the recurring scandals in American politics since passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 is the discriminatory use of so-called "ballot security" programs. These programs are invariably presented as good government measures necessary to prevent voter fraud, but far too often they are actually designed to suppress minority voting -- and for nakedly partisan purposes.

Voters report fake calls
Instructions to change polling place don’t come from board of elections
Franklin County, Ohio residents report suspicous phone calls detailing false precinct changes and absentee ballot requests.
NAACP, election officials caution voters of bogus letter
South Carolina officials warn of bogus letter on NAACP letterhead says voters must have a credit check, provide two forms of photo identification, a Social Security card, a voter registration card as well as a handwriting sample.
Franklin County Elections Board Targeted Heavily Democratic Precincts
Analysis shows that the distribution of voting machines to precincts was not random but rather was severely discriminating against Democratic precincts, with nearly one out of three Democratic precincts had less voting machines in 2004 than in 2000

Voting equipment manufacturers and their Republican connections

Growing Movement Questions Integrity Of E-Voting
Electronic Votes Touch Off Doubts
Election officials and computer scientists are increasingly concerned that touch-screen electronic voting machines may be inaccurate and even susceptible to sabotage. Among some Democrats, there is deep distrust developing about the devices, particularly since a top executive in the voting machine industry is a major fund-raiser for President Bush.

Hack the Vote
You don't have to believe in a central conspiracy to worry that partisans will take advantage of an insecure, unverifiable voting system to manipulate election results.

Questionable election tabulation results

Warren's vote tally walled off
Alone in Ohio, officials cited homeland security
Citing concerns about potential terrorism, Warren County officials locked down the county administration building on election night and blocked anyone from observing the vote count as the nation awaited Ohio's returns.

Warren Co. defends lockdown decision
FBI denies warning officials of any special threat
Officials at the FBI, which oversees anti-terrorism activities in southern Ohio, said they received no information about a terror threat in Warren County.

Keeping our democracy alive
Did voters really count in U.S. election?
The United States has introduced electronic voting, a new system of potential mass and undetectable manipulation. The system is made worse yet by a concentrated electronic voting-machine industry characterized by overt partisanship, conflicts of interest and a lack of transparency in nearly every aspect of operations.
Ohio's Odd Numbers
Are the stories of vote suppression and rigged machines to be believed? Here is "non-wacko" evidence that something went seriously awry in the Buckeye State on Election Day 2004

US Count Votes
Study of the 2004 Presidential Election Exit Poll Discrepancies

The Bigger the Prize, the Bigger the Discrepancy
Evidence Dramatically Raises Suspicion of Election Tampering
Webb Mealy, PhD examines "red shift" a term used to describe the amount the 2004 tabulated presidential election results vary towards Bush from the last “un-corrected” exit poll, to analyze the amount of Red Shift in relation to whether a state was a "battleground state”.

Voting Problems in Ohio Spur Call for Overhaul
From seven-hour lines that drove voters away to malfunctioning machines to poorly trained poll workers who directed people to the wrong polling places to uneven policies about the use of provisional ballots, Ohio has become this year’s example for every ailment in the United States’ electoral process.

Kerry Cites Suppressed Votes in Election
Sen. John F. Kerry, in some of his most pointed public comments yet about the presidential election, invoked Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy as he criticized President Bush and decried reports of voter disenfranchisement.

Research and Commentary on the 2004 US Presidential Election
Testing State Exit Poll data for poll error and fraud in the 2004 US Presidential

In Response to Serious Concerns Over Presidential Vote in Ohio, Lautenberg Announces Measure to Prevent Partisan Activity by Election Officials
Ohio Sec. of State Ken Blackwell and Florida Secretary of State Glenda Hood were also Co-Chairs of Bush/Cheney '04 Campaign



Eye On Ohio
The Informed Citizen's Guide to the 2004 Election

Election 2004: Fraud and Voter Suppression

Citizens’ Alliance for Secure Elections

Alliance for Democracy

Black Box Voting
Consumer protection for elections

S.A.V.E. Democracy
Secure, Accurate and Verified Elections

Verified Voting

Footprints of Electoral Fraud
The November 2 Exit Poll Scam

Grand Theft Election
A must see Flash animation

Velvet Revolution
The new American Patriot

League of Pissed Off Voters